Don Suiters kid_kentucky@yahoo.com (270) 320-4954
Brian Bayley info@nashvillewebdesign.biz (615) 545-4558
Brian Bayley info@nashvillewebdesign.biz (615) 545-4558
Don Suiters kid_kentucky@yahoo.com (270) 320-4954
Don Suiters kid_kentucky@yahoo.com (270) 320-4954
Brian Bayley info@nashvillewebdesign.biz (615) 545-4558
Brian Bayley info@nashvillewebdesign.biz (615) 545-4558
Advance and DOS Contact:
Brian Bayley info@nashvillewebdesign.biz (615) 545-4558
Click to Full Band Personnel.
Plot Plan / Inputs
Relative Monitor Levels Quick Start

Kid Kentucky Rider
* Presenter-Provided, Professional-Grade Staging, PA, Mics, Monitors, Stage Lighting, Crew and Technicians Required. No PA-on-sticks. No Karaoke Light Rigs.
Minimum SL100 / SL260 preferred 32' wide x 24' deep, elevated / show lighting / covered stage, with additional drum riser requested.
Band PM can assist if required. Please don't hesitate to ask.
* 90 Minute Load In
* 30 Minute Soundcheck
* 30 Minute Dark Before Doors
* Stage Waters
* If Backline, change out to Kid K kick-drum front head (22")
* House Drum Riser
8' wide X 8' deep X 16" height
* Clean Dressing Room
* Load-In Waters
* Wireless Hand-Held Vocal
* Fly 12' w X 10' Height Upstage Backdrop
* Stage Wedges as backup to IEM
* Kid Kentucky and the American Badass Band perform a full show (up to 2hrs), from start to finish. Our show is designed for music and media programming from beginning to end, and we do not offer cover-band, multiple set-break scheduling.
* Can we make sure to have a quick-change location at the stage, so Don can make some wardrobe changes throughout the show?
* We sometimes have a guest set-in for the song, “Picture,” midway through the set, she will use the bass position mic. We call her up from the crowd; should any passes, credentials or escorts be needed for stage access, please advise. If a couple bar stools are handy would be appreciated at side-stage.
* We ask that opening bands set up in front of us, and not strike our stage - not because we refuse to share the stage, but completely because we have quite a bit set up around our stage including operations elements as well. When someone else screws it up, it's not their show that suffers- it's ours. Unfortunately, it's been proven too many times as such.
* We ask that opening bands avoid Kid Rock songs in their set, as well as other covers that are included in the Kid K show. Openers and House Music, please avoid the following songs:
Freebird / Can't You See / Back In Black / Gimme Some Lovin / Summer of 69 / Tom Sawyer / Folsom Prison Blues / LaGrange
* For Local Audio Mixer/Lighting Director/Video Proj. Familiarity with Set List:
Full set = "Greatest Show on Earth" thru "Bawitdaba" at https://open.spotify.com/playlist/4Lwyl3bqfbwBvDdTetBYLU?si=9KtU4JTlR02CMhO8nwiFIg
* For Local Audio Tech / mixer/monitor set up:
We carry our own in-ear monitor and mixer rack and all band are on IEM. It includes XLR cable splitter box which all stage mics and direct signals are fed to. There is a 30' trunk on the back of the mic splitter that can be sent to the stage snakes or house mixing board for FOH mixing. The mic splitter does not have any preamps so input gain will need to be set at the FOH mixer. Wedges are still requested per the plot, and/or a couple side fills on the deck for the guest singer, or as backup if needed. If the floor monitors are powered, we can run the mix from our rack. If it is a passive speaker the monitor levels will need to be set by the house monitor system.
We carry our own stage package including, mics, stands, cables and stage boxes, all running into our IEM rack noted above. the rack is a Thru/Split and we simply send you the tails.
The drum mics are:
Kick- Beyerdynamic TG D71
Snare-BD TG D57
Tom 1-BD TG D58
Tom 2-BD TG D58
Tom 3-BD TG D57
Hi Hat and Ride-Berhinger C2
Overheads-BD TG I53
Lead Vocal- Shure SM58
All BG vocals- Shure Beta 58
Guitars Run Direct from Pedal Boards
* For Local Lighting Director/ Programming cues:
Request Downstage White Wash and/or Follow spot on the "Kid Rock" vocalist.
Please light the rest of the band members, as well as the drummer.
Request at minimum, 4 to 6 mover spotlights among 16 - 32 wash and additional beams.
Crowd Blinders would be greatly appreciated for crowd-participation cues.
Please keep the lead vocal in bright light.
For some Color Cues in the setlist:
Greatest Show on Earth (opener) - Ballyhoo - with as much variety in color you can throw at it. / We fire big red beacon siren lights (from the stage)
Devil Without a Cause - Red / We fire big red beacon siren lights (from the stage)
All Summer Long - Yellows and Oranges (think sunshine) and maybe some blue and green popping thru on occasion. (think blue sky and green grass)
First Kiss- Pink (to match album cover)
Born Free - Red, Wht, Blu
So Hott - Yellows and Oranges (think flames) / We fire big red beacon siren lights (from the stage)
Mother Fucker Like Me (audio/video intro: Usage of the word 'fuck') Black out for a/v intro. Then full on when the band kicks back in.
American Badass - Red, Wht, Blu
Bawitdaba (closer) - Start in greens, with green lasers, progressing to the End in Ballyhoo. / We fire big red beacon siren lights (from the stage)
For Familiarity with Set List:
Full set = "Greatest Show on Earth" thru "Bawitdaba" at https://open.spotify.com/playlist/4Lwyl3bqfbwBvDdTetBYLU?si=9KtU4JTlR02CMhO8nwiFIg
* For Local Video Projectionist. Can you please provide HDMI line to upstage/center drum position. We will run slideshow from stage but can you also test our visuals per song for input and aspect ratio. Please inform of results at info@nashvillewebdesign.biz
For Familiarity with Set List:
Full set = "Greatest Show on Earth" thru "Bawitdaba" at https://open.spotify.com/playlist/4Lwyl3bqfbwBvDdTetBYLU?si=9KtU4JTlR02CMhO8nwiFIg
* Kid Kentucky act carries a couple stage props and production items such as whiskey barrels on stage, red light siren beacons, small confetti blowers, drum riser, downstage ego ramp, geysers with water based juice.
Please advise at Advance if unapproved for use.
* For Fly Dates : Presenter-provided Backline Delivered to stage at or before Load In:
Pearl or DW Maple Shell Professional Series DRUMS:
* 22" Kick w Legs.
* 14" Snare.
* 10" and 12" mounted Tom with Mounts.*
* 16" and/or 18" Floor Tom w Legs.
* New EVANS drum heads / batter and resonance (Clear G2 for toms / Coated Genera Snare batter / Will ship ahead for kick reso/logo head.)
Zildjian or Sabian or Paiste – professional series cymbals:
* 14" HH stage left.
* 15˝ and 18˝ Crash stage left.
* 17˝ and 19˝ Crash stage right.
* 20" Ride stage right.
* DW 3000 Chain Drive, Double Drum Pedal.
* DW 3000 Chain Drive, HH Stand / Pedal.
* Pearl or DW Double-braced Snare Stand.
* Pearl or DW Double-braced Single or Double Tom Stand.*
* 1x Pearl or DW Double-braced Boom Ride Cym Stand.
* 4x Pearl or DW Double-braced Boom Crash Cym Stands.
* Double-braced Adjustable Throne.
* 8’ x 8’ x 16” Drum Riser
* Black Drum Carpet
* 2x pair - Pro Mark 5B drum sticks
Bass Amps:
* Ampeg SVT CL 300 watt head / SVT410HLF cab at 4 Ohms equivalent or better. NO Peavey.
* Yamaha MODX8. 88 Weighted Keys preferred, but 71 is also acceptable.
- Alternate: Yamaha Montage, Third choice would be Yamaha Motif ES8
* Stand-Up Keyboard Stand
* pedal/cables
Vox ac30 top boost
Fender hot rod deville 212
Marshall jcm 2000 dsl
or better.
NO Peavey.
Fender Strat
* For Fly Dates, Audio, may we request please, 5x high quality in-ear monitor systems, Sennheiser g4 equivalent or better, and digital mixer with app control for band to set mixes on stage?
* Can Venue/Promoter buyer, marketing and production staff coordinate to please submit requested advance information please:
* Kid Kentucky act typically travels with anywhere from 2 to 10 (crew/guest/VIPs) in tow.
Band Laminates available for entry if need be.
* Kid Rock songs include strong, explicit language. Like the real Kid Rock show, we also include a (comedic) audio/video song intro: Usage of the work 'fuck.' Please advise at Advance if any concerns or omissions required. A 'cleaner' show is an option should it be required.

* Can Audio please play TO THE END (do not stop the track when the band starts) our MP3 "Kid Rock Intro starts and stops" as our walk-ON music, cue to stage please. Play thru entirety.
* Can Audio please play our MP3 "Beach Bum Billionaire" as our walk-OFF music, once the house lights come back on.
* A menu for load out food and/or a meal before the show would be great, and thank you.
* Can the band get a 12pk of beer before the show, and a 12pk of beer afterwards (Coors LT, Yuengling Light, Pabst Blue Ribbon/Miller High Life/etc : No Anheuser-Busch products please)
* Crown Royal Apple and/or Peach
* Titos Vodka
* Please Advertise this show as the Kid Rock Tribute Show by Kid Kentucky and the American Badass Band.
* Can Venue/Promoter buyer please confirm complete review of this information above and let us know of any potential issues, or if confirmed. Please email info@nashvillewebdesign.biz for contact information requested.
Kid Kentucky GIG Details QUICK VIEW
For further Kid Kentucky Advance discussion, and/or to add this production module into your own website, please contact Brian Bayley at info@NashvilleWebDesign.BIZ